521 research outputs found

    PlaceRaider: Virtual Theft in Physical Spaces with Smartphones

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    As smartphones become more pervasive, they are increasingly targeted by malware. At the same time, each new generation of smartphone features increasingly powerful onboard sensor suites. A new strain of sensor malware has been developing that leverages these sensors to steal information from the physical environment (e.g., researchers have recently demonstrated how malware can listen for spoken credit card numbers through the microphone, or feel keystroke vibrations using the accelerometer). Yet the possibilities of what malware can see through a camera have been understudied. This paper introduces a novel visual malware called PlaceRaider, which allows remote attackers to engage in remote reconnaissance and what we call virtual theft. Through completely opportunistic use of the camera on the phone and other sensors, PlaceRaider constructs rich, three dimensional models of indoor environments. Remote burglars can thus download the physical space, study the environment carefully, and steal virtual objects from the environment (such as financial documents, information on computer monitors, and personally identifiable information). Through two human subject studies we demonstrate the effectiveness of using mobile devices as powerful surveillance and virtual theft platforms, and we suggest several possible defenses against visual malware

    Constructing Reality: Framing of the Kashmir Conflict in Dictatorial and Democratic Regimes in the Pakistani English Press

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    This paper examines the framing of Kashmir conflict in the editorials of three PakistaniEnglish newspapers, The Nation, The News, and Dawn during dictatorial (Musharraf regime, 2005-2007) and the democratic regime (Zardari regime (2008-2010). It argues that in case of conflict press conforms to the government policies, change in governments also has an effect on how the press changes its coverage on the conflict according to the policies of the government. The study utilizes a content analysis method to examine the use of framing techniques in the newspapers. Findings supported that the Pakistani press indexed the ruling elite’s stance in both regimes. It was found that during the dictatorial regime, as Kashmir conflict was high on agenda, Pakistani English press gave more coverage to Kashmir conflict as compared to the democratic regime. The results also showed that during the dictatorial regime, the dialogue frame to resolve the Kashmir conflict between India and Pakistan was high, which was also in line with the policy of Musharraf’s autocratic regime. Surprisingly, the press coverage in both regimes regarding the self-determination right for Kashmiris in the light of UNO resolutions, Pakistan’s longstanding stance, was minimal. The implications of the results are discussed


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    AbstractThe purpose of this study was used to determine how the effect of teacher quality and teaching productivity on student acceleration at MTS Negeri 3 Pamekasan. In this study, it has three variables used, namely the variable quality and productivity of teaching which are independent variables, while student acceleration is the dependent variable. Whereas in this study the number of respondents was 46 respondents. The data collection method is done by using a questionnaire. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the quality of teachers and teaching productivity simultaneously had an effect on student acceleration. Teacher quality has an effect on student acceleration and teaching productivity has an effect on student acceleration.Keywords: teacher quality, teaching productivity, student acceleration

    Unpacking the relationship between knowledge-sharing efforts and creativity: The critical roles of relationship quality and perceived organizational politics

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    This thesis contributes to creativity research by investigating the link between employees’ knowledge-sharing efforts and creativity and how this link is moderated by two aspects of relationship quality (informality and emotional openness) and the belief that organizational decision making is marked by destructive political games. It proposes that the usefulness of knowledge-sharing efforts for stimulating creativity is higher when employees maintain informal relationships with their colleagues and feel comfortable expressing a diverse range of emotions with them. In addition, extensive knowledge-sharing efforts are less likely to enhance creativity when employees believe that organizational decision making is guided by destructive political games. Finally, the harmful effect of perceived organizational politics on the knowledge-sharing efforts–creativity relationship is mitigated when employees can rely on high levels of relationship quality. This research holds useful implications for organizations regarding the circumstances in which the application of employee knowledge to the generation of novel solutions to problem situations is most effective

    Domestic accidents in a rural community of Bangladesh: A cross-sectional study on their incidence and characteristics.

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    In a developing country like Bangladesh knowledge about domestic accidents is sparse. But accident is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in both developed and developing countries. [1] The relationship between domestic accidents and human health is direct and associated with a chain of socio-economic consequences. In this paper we try to bring out the patterns of domestic accidents and their characteristics in a rural community of Bangladesh. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 297 households of Shitpara village under Bormi union of Shreepur Upazilla constituting 1171 family members to determine the prevalence and characteristics of household accidents. The collected data were then analyzed by SPSS 16. (Statistical package for social science)A total of 171 domestic accidents had occurred during one year period with a prevalence of 146.02/1000 population. Majority of the victims are male (52.6%). Commonest household accident was fall (50.9%) followed by Cut injury (22.2%) and Burn (11.7%).Health education program aimed at prevention and first aid treatment of domestic accidents and proper use of personal protective measures are recommended. Keywords: Domestic accidents, Bangladesh, rural area, public health

    Urdu News Clustering Using K-Mean Algorithm On The Basis Of Jaccard Coefficient And Dice Coefficient Similarity

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    Clustering is the unsupervised machine learning process that group data objects into clusters such that objects within the same cluster are highly similar to one another. Every day the quantity of Urdu text is increasing at a high speed on the internet. Grouping Urdu news manually is almost impossible, and there is an utmost need to device a mechanism which cluster Urdu news documents based on their similarity. Clustering Urdu news documents with accuracy is a research issue and it can be solved by using similarity techniques i.e., Jaccard and Dice coefficient, and clustering k-mean algorithm. In this research, the Jaccard and Dice coefficient has been used to find the similarity score of Urdu News documents in python programming language. For the purpose of clustering, the similarity results have been loaded to Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA), by using k-mean algorithm the Urdu news documents have been clustered into five clusters. The obtained cluster's results were evaluated in terms of Accuracy and Mean Square Error (MSE). The Accuracy and MSE of Jaccard was 85% and 44.4%, while the Accuracy and MSE of Dice coefficient was 87% and 35.76%. The experimental result shows that Dice coefficient is better as compared to Jaccard similarity on the basis of Accuracy and MSE

    The Impact of Reverse Culture Shock on Gulliver’s Family Life

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    Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels has been one of the most fascinating works of English literature. It is its suggestive quality due to which it has been read in a variety of different perspectives. Twentieth century critics have read it in the light of different psychoanalytical approaches. This study focuses on an entirely different aspect i.e reverse culture shock. It analyzes the effects of reverse culture shock on Gulliver’s behavior and his interaction with his family through a close reading of the text of Gulliver’s Travels. Gulliver who suffers from an obvious identity crisis fails to cope with the readjustment problems at home after living among different hosts. After every subsequent re-entry, Gulliver’s behavior especially with his family members deteriorates. The imprints of his last hosts remain so deeply engraved on his mind that fails to live peacefully with his family members and has to live in isolation. This is where we can relate Gulliver to people who after living abroad fail to adjust with the people of their native society and family members.  &nbsp

    Risk Factors of Infection in Total Knee Arthroplasty

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    Background: To determine risk factors of infection in total knee arthroplastyMethods: In this descriptive study all patients undergoing primary total knee arthroplasty were included. Patients were followed post-operatively at 2,4,8,12 and 24 weeks. Signs of inflammation and inflammatory markers such as total leukocyte count (TLC), C-reactive protein (CRP) and ESR were measured. Risk factors like age, body mass index (BMI), ASA, co-morbid conditions were also noted.Results: Out of the 78 patients osteoarthritis (94.87%) was the pre-dominant cause of total knee replacement (TKR). 6.41% cases got infected. In majority of the infected cases (60%), Staphylococcus aureus was the infective organism. Diabetes Mellitus (p=0.01) and Obesity (p=0.02) had a significant relation to post-operative infection.Conclusion: Pre-operative risk evaluation and prevention strategies along with early recognition of infection and control can greatly reduce the risk of joint infection post-TKR which will not only improve the mobility of patient but also its morbidity and mortality as wel

    Analyzing Global and Local Media Representations of Malala Yousafzai

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    During the War on Terror, when high rates of violence were occurring and schools were being forcefully torn down in Swat Valley of Pakistan, Malala Yousafzai fought for girls’ education rights. At just 17 years old, Malala Yousafzai has inspired people around the world with her passion and determination to make sure girls everywhere can get an education. When the Taliban tried to silence her, Malala answered their brutality with strength and resolve. Soon in the international media, she was acclaimed as a brave hero and later honored with a Nobel Prize. She received a mixed response for her efforts in Pakistan. While some praised her, others thought her as an opportunist or believed that there was a Western conspiracy behind her promotion on an international level. This article explores the disparities in media representation of Malala Yousafzai on global and local levels. Employing ethnographic research methods, we bring to light the perceptions of people from her hometown and juxtapose it with those of international media outlets. The article will help understand the complex controversies surrounding Yousafzai’s struggle and legacy
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